Publications in International/National (Peer Reviewed & Indexed/Abstracted Journals)
3. Bwsrang Basumatary, Mayank Yuvaraj, Nitesh Kumar Verma & Manoj Kumar Verma, (2023). Mapping of the selected literature on Robotic Technology Applications in Libraries based on SCOPUS database: A Subjective Computational Review, Library Hi-Tech, Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print. ISSN: 0737-8831 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-02-2023-0031Index: SCOPUS URL: Library Hi-Tech 4. Deori, M., Nisha, F., Verma, Nitesh Kumar & Verma, M. K., (2023). Consumption Patterns of Female Lifestyle Influencers During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Thematic Sentiment Analysis Based on the Comments of Selected YouTube Videos, Journal of Creative Communications, 0(0), 1-22. ISSN: 0973-2594 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09732586231168489Index: SCOPUS URL: Journal of Creative Communications 8. Verma, N.K., & Shukla, A., (2017). Usability Analysis of Central Universities Library Websites of North-East India: An Evaluative Study, Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, 4(4), 37-41. ISSN: 2395-2288 Index: Peer Review URL: Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science 9. Singh, M.P., Verma, N.K., & Verma, M.K., (2015). Use and Effects of Social Networking Sites on Faculty Members: A Study of Vikramajit Singh Sanatan Dharm College, Kanpur, European Academic Research, 2(10), 13752-13767. ISSN: 2286-4822 Index: Peer Review URL: European Academic Research 10. Verma, Manoj Kumar & Verma, Nitesh Kumar, (2015). Use of Web 2.0 Technology by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs): A Comparative Survey, International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 5(4), 98-106. ISSN: 2231-4911 Index: Peer Review URL: International Journal of Library and Information Studies