Book Chapters
1. Verma, Nitesh Kumar; Basumatary, Bwsrang & Dwivedi, Manoj Kumar, (2023). Social Attention Sparked by Highly Cited Research Publications on Women’s Empowerment: An Assessment Based on Altmetric Tools, In Prof. Aditya Tripathi, Prof. Manoj Kumar Verma & Dr. Akhilesh K.S. Yadav (Eds.), LIS Education and Research: Prof. H.N. Prasad Festschrift Volume, (pp. 40-46). New Delhi: Shree Publications & Distributors. ISBN: 9788196150938 Full-Text available at: ResearchGate 2. Verma, Nitesh Kumar & Shukla, Akhandanand, (2018). Usability Analysis of Academic Library Websites: A Conceptual Approach, In Aditya Tripathi, Mohd. Shoaib Ansari & J.K. Gupta (Eds.), Recent Trends in Libraries in Networked Environment: Challenges and Opportunities’ for Librarianship in 21st Century, (pp. 11-24). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications. ISBN: 9789387698024 Full-Text available at: ResearchGate 3. Verma, Nitesh Kumar, (2018). गोपालकृष्ण गोखले, In R.C. Sobti, Kamal Jaiswal, Shilpi Verma, Sudershan Verma & Sunil Goria (Eds.), भारतीय वैशविक विचारक: चिंतन और योगदान, (pp.153-156). Lucknow: Army Printing Press. ISBN: 9788193260579 Full-Text available at: ResearchGate 4. Verma, Nitesh Kumar, (2017). Gopal Krishna Gokhale (9 May 1866 - 19 February 1915): A Bibliography, In R.C. Sobti, Kamal Jaiswal, Shilpi Verma, Sudershan Verma & Sunil Goria (Eds.), Indian Global Thinkers, Ideas Thoughts and Contribution, (pp. 147-150). Lucknow: Army Printing Press. ISBN: 9788193260548 Full-Text available at: ResearchGate 5. Verma, Nitesh Kumar, (2017). वर्तमान युग में पुस्तकालयों और सूचना पेशेवरों पर सूचना संचार प्रौद्योगिकी का प्रभाव, In RC Sobti, Shilpi Verma, RB Ram, Vipin Saxena (Eds.), सूचना, जन सम्पर्क के साधन एवं पत्रकारिक्ता, (pp. 87-94). New Delhi: Anamika Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.. ISBN: 9788179758571 Full-Text available at: ResearchGate 6. Verma, Nitesh Kumar & Shukla, Akhandanand, (2015). Use and impact of knowledge management in present era: An overview, In Prasad, H. N. et al. (Eds), Librarianship in 21st Century [L.M.P. Singh Festschrift Volume], (pp.336-352). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publication. ISBN: 9788170007982 Full-Text available at: ResearchGate 7. Verma, Nitesh Kumar, & Verma, M. K., (2014). Open Source Library Software: Issues and Challanges, In V.Parashar and M. L. Vishwakarma (Eds.), Current trends in Libraries in the ICT Era, (pp. 203-210). New Delhi: Research India Publications. ISBN: 9789384144081 Full-Text available at: ResearchGate